
Webbased FTP + Text/Graphical Editor
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Zelotypisti FTP Features (allready working in bold):
  • Connect to your FTP Server
  • List files and folders
  • Browse your server
  • Link to the files
  • Different styles
  • Translation to: English, Nederlands, Français, Deutsch
  • Text Editor with syntax highlighter (CodePress)
  • Graphical Editor (FCKEditor)
  • FTP Delete File/Folder
  • Rename File/Folder
  • FTP Create Folder
  • FTP Upload with progress
  • Icons associated with file extensions
  • Ability to view the md5sum of a file
  • CHMOD files (php5+ only)
  • Resume downloads/uploads
  • Access multiple servers at the same time

Zelotypisti FTP is currently being developped by:

Name: Nickname: Location: SourceForge.net E-mail: Languages: Function:
Nick Mulder YPM Netherlands ypm@users.sourceforge.net Dutch,English,French,German Admin